Alfi Nur Rusydi, S.Si., M.Sc.

  • FILKOM UB, Jl. Veteran No 8
  • alfi.nurrusydi [at] ub [dot] ac [dot] id

Born in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), completed his double Master's degree from the Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation Sciences (ITC), University of Twente, the Netherlands and also Geo-Information for Spatial Planning and Disaster Risk Management, UGM, Indonesia. His researches are mostly related to geoinformatics, geographic information system, and remote sensing
Currently he is developing the Geoinformatics Research Group activities to facilitate any research related to the acquisition, management, processing and presentation of geospatial data. He believes that most of the research problems are engaged to geospatial data. He is very welcome to any topic of discussion related to geoinformatics. Contact him if you are interested in geoinformatics research such as the development of Geographic Information Systems, cloud computing-based remote sensing, spatial analysis modeling and so on. We can develop these researches together.

Prediksi Perubahan Penggunaan dan Tutupan Lahan Wilayah Malang Raya dengan Kombinasi Algoritme Fuzzy, Cellular Automata, & Artificial Neural Network

Researchers: Ramdani, F., Setiawan, B.D., Furqon, M.T., Rusydi, A.N., Amry, I.B., Alhakim, G.

Klasifikasi Tutupan Lahan Pada Citra Dari Drone Dengan Genetyc Fuzzy System

Researchers: Setiawan, B.D., Rusydi, A.N., Febriani, F. D., Larasati, I.
2019. Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) untuk Pemetaan Wilayah Potensial Tanah Longsor di Kota Batu dengan Data DEMNAS dan Metode Fuzzy-AHP.
Furqon, M.T., Ramdani, F., Setiawan, B.D., Rusydi, A.N., Amry, I.B., Alhakim, G.
2018. Implementasi dan Pelatihan Geospatial - Based Disaster Early Warning System (GeoDEWAS) Sebagai Sistem Peringatan Dini untuk Bencana Tanah longsor di kota Batu.
Setiawan, B.D., Ramdani, F., Furqon, M.T., Rusydi, A.N., Febriandhika, A.I., Nur, T.B.
2017. Pemasangan sistem peringaatan dini tanah longsor di desa Lemah Putih, kota Batu.
Setiawan, B.D., Ramdani, F., Furqon, M.T., Rusydi, A.N., Wardana, D.P.T., Rimba, K.A.
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