Komang Candra Brata, Ir., S.Kom., M.T., M.Sc.
- Laboratorium Mobile Apps
- Multimedia, Game dan Mobile
- Teknik Informatika
FILKOM UB, Jl. Veteran No 8
Gedung A, Lt.1, R. A1.2 - k.candra.brata [at] ub [dot] ac [dot] id
Komang Candra Brata currently is a lecturer in the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. He received the MSc degree in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan in 2014 as an International Dual Degree Master’s student between the University of Brawijaya, Indonesia, and National Central University, Taiwan. He is also an active fellow member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG).
He completed his bachelor’s degree in the Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia in 2012. He has authored or co-authored more than 25 refereed journal and conference papers with ACM, IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer which are also indexed in Scopus.
He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree at the Department of Information and Communication Systems, Okayama University, Japan. His research interest area is in the areas of software engineering and information technology, user experience, HCI, intuitive mobile applications, distributed systems, and augmented reality.
Implementasi Metode Bates Dalam Purwarupa Aplikasi Pelatihan Otot Mata Untuk Penderita Miopia Berbasis Virtual Reality
Researchers: Brata, K.C., Fanani, L., Brata, A.H., Dzikrullah, M. N., Rabani, M. N.Sistem pendukung Keputusan berbasis Pengetahuan untuk Rekomendasi Resep Masakan dengan SAW
Researchers: Dewi, R.K., Brata, K.C., Firdaus, A., Budiharjo, H.Pengembangan Sistem Kendali Kursi Roda Elektrik berbasis Pergerakan Kepala HEMOCS (Head Movement Controller System) bagi Pasien Berkebutuhan Khusus
Researchers: Herman Tolle , Jonemaro, E.M.A., Arwani, I., Brata, K.C., KHUMAINI, A., Pratama, I. P.Brata, A.H., Fanani, L., Brata, K.C., Amalia, F., Putri, G.A., Kurniasari, R., Pradana, R.B.A.
Fanani, L., Brata, K.C., Brata, A.H., Agustine, M., Chrisandy, A.W.
Az, Dewi, R.K., Brata, K.C., Fanani, L., Rahmania, F.N., Prayoga, B.V.A.
Fanani, L., Tolle , H., Brata, K.C., Kharisma, A.P., Ardianto, M.A.D., Firdaus, A.
Dewi, R.K., Brata, K.C., Fanani, L., Tolle , H., Ananta, M.T., Firdaus, A., Budiharjo, H.
Kharisma, A.P., Dewi, R.K., Fanani, L., Brata, K.C., Ghozali, I., Hafiidh, A.